Act1: Walkthrough
commented by: Noone • 7 years agoComment: Slaughtering anyone as mentioned above just for the sake of XP hast nothing to do with playing a role (unless you play a certain type of character) or ist suitable for a so called wiki.
Dazing Bolt
edited by: Anonymous • 7 years agolast revision: 2017-09-19 00:33:02 (409 bytes)Summary: no summary given
Dazing Bolt
edited by: rat • 7 years agolast revision: 2017-09-18 02:20:22 (3052 bytes)Summary: no summary given
Crafting: Potions
edited by: rat • 7 years agolast revision: 2017-09-18 23:19:37 (98 bytes)Summary: no summary given
Crafting: Scrolls
edited by: rat • 7 years agolast revision: 2017-09-18 23:47:23 (112 bytes)Summary: no summary given