The Lady O War is a main-quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2
This quest can be obtained by talking to Malady onboard the Lady Vengeance.
- Suggested level: 9
We have boarded the Lady Vengeance. The Seekers appear to have taken control of the ship after a battle with the Magisters on board. We should speak to someone to see what's to happen next.
- Malady
- Lady Vengeance
- Search the corpses of a burned Seeker on the deck and read through his journal to get a password that you will need later.
- Find the ships prison at the bottom.
- Inspect Bishop Alexander and take his Strange Gem.
- When you talk to a rat (Pet Pal) you can find out that the ship is controlled by singing songs.
- Get up the Stairs and find the Stateroom Door. To open the Door you will need Bishops Strange Gem and the password.
- Pick up a Dusty Tome on the desk of Dallis cabin.
- Sing to ship's figurehead.
- Freeing the Ship will get you a nice buff in the following fight.
- Carefully select your teammates before you sail because everyone not in your party will die.
- Kill Dallis' men who try to board the ship or buy Malady enough time to complete her spell (4/5 rounds).
River Ship Inactive
I learned that the Lady Vengeance is made from elven livewood, meaning that it is effectively conscious. Something is preventing the Seekers from taking control of it, however - the means of getting the ship moving must be hidden aboard it somewhere. -
Need Control
As the ship is controlled by a Living Scar, we need to find the song that controls it. We must look around. -
Trader Necromancer
I discovered that an innocuous healer & trader aboard the Lady Vengeance was in fact a Black Ring Necromancer who had been held captive by Dallis. What had she been using him for...? -
Met River
We spoke with Malady once again. She ought to know what must be done next. -
Alexandar Key
A still unconscious Alexandar turned out to be in possession of a rather peculiar gem. I decided to borrow it: one never knows when such a trinket might come in handy. -
River Ship Inactive
We learned that the Lady Vengeance is made from elven livewood, meaning that it is effectively conscious. Something is preventing the Seekers from taking control of it, however - the means of getting the ship moving must be hidden aboard it somewhere. We should search it thoroughly. -
Alexandar Captive
I have learned that Alexandar is now the prisoner of the Seekers. He is locked upon a lower deck of the Lady Vengeance, unconscious. -
Alexandar Key
A still unconscious Alexandar turned out to be in possession of a rather peculiar gem. We decided to borrow it: who knows when such a trinket might come in handy. -
Info The Mistake
I learned about 'The Mistake' - a Sourcerer who was once trained by the Seekers, only to turn on them and cause a great deal of death and destruction. This calamity caused the Seekers to fall out of favour with the Divine Order, forcing them to become an underground movement. -
Alexandar Captive
We have learned that Alexandar survived, and is now the prisoner of the Seekers. He is locked upon a lower deck of the Lady Vengeance, unconscious. -
Han Door Hint
Han told me that he wants to explore the main cabin, where Dallis was recently berthed. However, he's been unable to figure out how to get in. -
Met Door
Belowdecks, we found the cabin that Dallis had been using. The entrance is guarded by two speaking doors. We must get past them somehow. -
Door Password
I have learned that the password for the master cabin is "Fortitude". -
Info Magister
I spoke to a Magister survivor named Ranley, locked in the Lady Vengeance's brig. She told me that Dallis seemed to control the ship by singing to it. The secret to controlling the Lady Vengeance might be found in Dallis's cabin. -
Info Ship
I discovered a living scar engraved upon the figurehead at the bow of the Lady Vengeance. If the ship was built using elven ancestor trees, Dallis could have used the living scar to control it... -
Info Rat
We spoke with a rat who recalls that Dallis controlled the ship by singing from an old book of songs, written in a strange language. -
Get Song Book
I have found a book of songs in Dallis's cabin aboard the Lady Vengeance. -
Get Into Dallis Room
We managed to get inside Dallis' cabin. We should search it thoroughly. -
Used Song Book
Standing before the figurehead, I recited the contents of the book from Dallis's cabin. The ship spoke to me - it possesses the fragmented consciousness of a dead elf, whose ancestor tree was chopped down by the Magisters. -
Tarquin Met
We found a strange man named Tarquin locked inside Dallis' cabin. He claimed that he was being held aboard the ship as her prisoner. -
Subjugate Ship
I have chosen to impose my will over the ship. It will have no choice but to do as it is commanded to. -
Tarquin Lizard Info
Tarquin told us that Dallis may have used an ancient lizard technique of using songs to control slaves. Perhaps this is related to controlling the ship. We ought to investigate further. -
Free Ship
I have chosen to restore free will to the ship. In gratitude, it told me that it will take me wherever I need to go. -
Tarquin Kill
Whoever this Tarquin fellow truly was, we decided that we couldn't trust him, and were forced to kill him. -
Dallis Assault Start
Dallis has caught up with us and is boarding the Lady Vengeance with a powerful force of Magisters. We won't be able to defeat them, but if we buy Malady some time, she can cast a spell that might save us. -
Defeated Dallis L V
I have managed to defeat Dallis in battle. -
Asked Sing
Malady wants us to take control of the ship, using the song that we discovered. -
Defeated Dallis F T J L V
I have defeated Dallis in battle for the second time. Could it be that her formidable reputation is unearned...? -
Dallis Assault End
Malady completed her spell, and saved us by transporting the entire ship to the Hall of Echoes.