
Fire Whip

Blinding Radiance skill icon

AP iconAP iconAP icon

Long-range attack that deals [X] Fire Damage to a single target, leaving them blind and burning.


skill effect icon Set Burning for 1 Turn(s).Set Blinded for 1 Turn(s)

skill effect icon Damage is based on your level and receives a bonus from Intelligence.

​​skill requirement icon Requires Pyrokinetic 2

​​skill requirement icon Requires 1 Memory slot

magic resit icon Magic Armor Resist

clock icon Cooldown: 3 round(s)



Skillbook Recipe

Blank Skillbook Fire + Fire Whip Scroll

Scroll Recipe

Sheet Of Paper + High Quality Fire Essence + Voidwoken Spike

Sheet Of Paper + Alien Fire Essence + Voidwoken Spike



Skills Pyrokinetic