  • Beast's origin quest as a companion in Divinity: Original Sin 2.
  • See The Beast o' the Sea if your main character is Beast.
  • You can acquire the quest when he joins your party. He can be found to the west of Fort Joy, on the beach, working on a shipwreck.


A dwarf named Beast has joined me. His experience as a sea captain will be surely useful.


Act 1

  1. -
  2. -

Act 2

  1. -
  2. -

Act 3

  1. -

  2. -


  • Start L V
    I have invited a dwarf named Beast to join me. He is anxious to arrive at Driftwood, where he hopes to find a dwarf called Lohar, who can shed light on the dwarven queen's mysterious operation.
  • Read Operation Downfall
    The Beast of the Sea, as he is known, carried papers alluding to a certain 'Operation Downfall', which involves Lohar, the dwarven criminal in Driftwood. Whatever Downfall may be - for someone, somewhere, it bodes nothing but ill.
  • Fought Divine Order
    Beast had faced the Divine Order while at sea. His companionship might prove useful in the long term.
  • Know Lohar Driftwood
    We have learned that Lohar, the dwarf Beast is searching for, is located in the village of Driftwood.
  • L V Unselected Close
    Beast has died, a victim of Dallis' attack on the Lady Vengeance.

Act 2

  • Act2 Start
    We've reached Reaper's Coast. Beast hopes to find a dwarf named Lohar nearby and have a word with him; he will know the truth about the dwarven queen's mysterious plans.
  • Questioning Assassin
    I found Lohar in Effie's Emporium in Driftwood, and interrupted him in the midst of an interrogation. He says he is no longer helping Queen Justinia in her operations, but wants to stop her. It seems Beast has earned an unlikely ally; I should talk to Lohar further.
  • Duggan Met
    Beast spoke to a dwarf named Duggan in the Sanctuary of Amadia. Duggan knows Lohar, the man Beast is looking for, and confirmed he does business in Driftwood. And that business isn't on the up-and-up, by the sounds of things.
  • Caravan Lohar
    A panicking dwarf on Reaper's Coast told us we can find Lohar, Beast's lead, in Effie's Emporium, underneath the Black Bull - a tavern, by the sounds of it.
  • Killed Lohar
    We killed Lohar - the best lead Beast had in his quest to disrupt Operation Downfall.
  • Believed Lohar
    Lohar insists he's turned against Queen Justinia - but entrepeneurs like him never reveal information without a price. Beast means to do what he asks... for now.
  • Believed Lohar Arx
    Lohar is clearly loyal to Queen Justinia no longer, and says I must do all I can to stop her from getting her hands on that Deathfog. I've got to get Beast to Arx before that shipment arrives.
  • Killed Lohar Leave
    I killed Lohar, much to the chagrin of Beast, who immediately left the party to carve out his own path.
  • Got Hat
    Beast has retrieved his hat, a bicorne he affectionately refers to as Fran.
  • Hannag Letter
    A letter found in the Wrecker Cave, seemingly destined for a certain Hannag. It mentioned that a Deathfog Delivery Device had been recovered and was being repaired.
  • Shipment To Arx
    The Peackeeper's cargo has been shipped to the city of Arx. If Beast wants to stop Operation Downfall, our next destination is all too clear.
  • Shipmeant Death Fog
    The Peacemaker was transporting Deathfog. The stuff is beyond deadly; what in the blazes are Justinia and her goons up to?
  • To Arx1
    Justinia is having Deathfog shipped to Arx as part of Operation Downfall. Whatever the queen's plans, they are more insidious than Beast had presumed.
  • To Arx2
    Queen Justinia's operation involves the deployment of Deathfog. We must travel to Arx and stop this madness!

Act 3

  • C O S Opposed Close
    Beast chose to face me in battle for a chance at Divinity.
  • Peacemakers Crates
    We have learned that there is a large cache of Deathfog hidden in the sewers beneath Arx.

Act 4

  • Act4 Start
    Beast's search for the truth about Queen Justinia's plans has led us to the city of Arx. The city is surely lousy with her agents - and the queen herself might not be far off.
  • Start Lohar Unfinished
    We arrived in Arx. People from all races have come to celebrate Lucian's Day; perhaps we might find a new lead regarding Queen Justinia's plans.
  • Know Isbeil
    Beast told us about Isbeil, Queen Justinia's advisor. She appears to hold undue influence over the queen.
  • Isbeil B R
    We discovered that Queen Justinia's advisor Isbeil is a Black Ring agent. It seems the God King has been pulling the strings.
  • Isbeil Queen Encounter
    We never imagined Queen Justinia could be party to an atrocity so heinous as to release Deathfog into an entire city. Yet this was her plan all along: throw the Divine Order into disarray with the genocide of Arx. To her, it seemed inevitable that they would turn their forces against her throne eventually - she wanted to strike first.
  • Assassination Attempt
    Perhaps she was weak; perhaps she was malevolent. In either case, Justinia was a traitor, leaving behind a legacy of pain and a kingdom starved for a proper ruler.
  • Resolved
    Beast and Queen Justinia found common ground for the sake of the dwarven people. She is now free of Isbeil's influence, and free to return to the kingdom.
  • Turned Assassination Attempt
    I suggested to Beast that we give Queen Justinia a second chance to lead the dwarven people. He was none too pleased by the suggestion and attacked me.
  • Gen Leave Party
    Beast has left my party.
  • Met Carson
    Beast stumbled upon a childhood friend in the Fort Joy Arena by the name of Carson. He gave us a key that unlocks one of the prison's doors. Now, we just need to figure out which one.
  • Carson Key
    We entered the Fort Joy prison using the key Carson gave to Beast. Freedom is nearer.
  • C O S Submitted
    Beast wanted to ascend to divinity at the Well of Ascension. I agreed and will stand beside him.
  • C O S Allowed
    Beast allied with me at the Well of Ascension in my quest to claim Divinity.
  • D N O T S Love
    I spent a night of pleasure with Beast - glorious beard and all. I do not know if there is a future between us, but I am glad for the moments we shared.
  • D N O T S Not Love
    I had a chance to spend a night of pleasure with Beast, but got cold feet.
  • Deathfog Leave
    Beast took great offense to my use of Deathfog and left the party.
  • Crypt Denied
    Beast's loyalty to his own people remains unfazed. He intends to fight me and ascend to Divinity.
  • Crypt Allowed
    Beast has entrusted divinity with me.
  • C O S Deathfog Letter
    I found a letter written by Isbeil, Justinia's Advisor - one that details a large shipment of Deathfog to Arx. She refers to Justinia as a puppet; it seems the Gods King's influence has reached dwarven royalty.
  • Crypt Divine
    Beast's loyalty to his own people remains unfazed, I decided to concede Divinity to him.
  • Beast Dead
    Marcus Miles, the Beast o' the Sea, is dead.