- A Prize Kill is a side-quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2
- You can acquire this quest from the stag statue in Ryker's mansion
- Suggested level: 11
- Act 2
A stag statue sendings you to find treasure.
- Spirit of a Deer
- Spirit of a Deer Hunter
- Have a character with Pet Pal interact with the stag head on the staircase in Ryker's mansion
- Cast Spirit Vision and talk to the stag that appears. It tells you to go to a halo of wildflowers to find treasure.
- Go to the wildflower circle [X:541 Y:224] and dig up the stag head in the middle. It has a unique bow.
- Talk to the Spirit of a Deer Hunter for some lore.
Find the Wildflower halo - the stag's burial place
The spirit of a stag implored us to seek out a halo of wildflowers. -
Deer Treasure
We uncovered the burial place of the stag and the poacher that killed it.