  • A Familiar Face is a side-quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2
  • You can acquire this quest from Delorus found on the nameless island (1)
  • Suggested level: 16
  • Act 3


Delorus, a Magister who was saved in Fort Joy, has joined the Divine Order expedition to the Nameless Isle. He wishes to regroup with his surviving comrades.


  • Delorus


  1. You can escort him to the Elf Temple, where his comrades and Bishop Alexander are taking refuge (2)

    • Don't take him with you until you have cleared the path since Delorus is just level 9 and will die very easily in fights.


  • 50150 XP
  • Delorus' Bow


familiar faces
  1. Dolorus
  2.  Elf Temple
Delorus' Bow

Delorus' Bow



  • Start
    Delorus, a Magister who was saved in Fort Joy, has joined the Divine Order expedition to the Nameless Isle. He wishes to regroup with his surviving comrades.
  • Fail Dead
    Delorus is dead.
  • Fail Left Party
    Delorus has set off by himself. His chances of surviving the island alone are slim.
  • Entered Temple
    We successfully escorted Delorus to the Elf Temple, where his comrades are taking refuge.
  • Complete
    Delorus thanked us for our help, and went to rejoin his comrades elsewhere in the Elf Temple.