
You have arrived at Reaper’s Coast, where you have to discover how to master your powers and unlock my full potential as a Godwoken.  (Main quest: Powerful Awakening).

Explore the Beach to the west and you will find a dying shark that escaped the sea in fear of some kind of monsters. You can talk to it with Pet Pal. You can decide to kill it in mercy and loot a human limb, it's needed for the quest Hide and Seek you will get in Driftwood.

On the east side, along with the river, you will find a child at drawbridge crying for help. If you agree to help him you will get the They Shall Not Pass quest where you have to go around and lower the bridge at a later stage.

Along the street, there are some voidwokens that have attacked a magister caravan. Speak to the survivors and you will get the quests The Wrecked Caravan where you have to report to the magisters in Driftwood.

you will find some voidwokens and a magister caravan. Speak to the magister survivors to acquire The Wrecked Caravan quest where you need to report to the magisters at Driftwood later.

Further down the road, you will find a chicken farm to your right, you can talk to them and acquire Counting Your Chickens quest with the Pet Pal talent. The Hens ask you to kill the Voidwokens further north alongside the eastern river and bring on of their eggs back them.

On the left side, you find the main gate to Driftwood but you can go a bit further to the north and save Meistr Siva from the Gallow. You have to persuade the magisters guarding her to leave because fighting them gonna be hard (they will call backup). She will take you to her home and taught you a very useful skill Spirit Vision (very important for alot quests) and will be your main go-to person for the Powerful Awakening Main quest.


When you have arrived in Driftwood, you should talk to everyone and do a good chunk of the quests before you leave again.

Click the link for more details:

The Magisters will give you quest The Law of the Order while dwarves give you Shadow over Driftwood. Both quests will lead you to Wrecker's Cave to the west in the region Reaper's Bluffs. The Powerful Awakening Main quests require you to find powerful sourcerers that can increase your source. One of them is also found inside the Cave. This is where your adventure should lead you next.

If you don't know what to do or where to go first you can explore the areas that fit your level (see map below)


Reapers Coast: Suggested Levels

Reaper's Bluffs

When you leave Driftwood the west you will find some magisters with their source hounds that will smell your source. Try to talk yourself out of this situation or you have to fight them. If you run to the south along the beach you will encounter Lagan who lost his wedding ring. You will get into a fight against Voidwoken when you try to retrieve it. (Lost and Found)

From the Driftwood bridge go straight west and you will be ambushed by possessed dwarfs on 2 occasions. Kill them and loot everything. Be aware of traps near explosive barrels and vines. The first ambush will be on a broken bridge where you can climb vines that will lead to dwarf camp to the north. After the second encounter with the possessed dwarfs, climb the mountains to the south until you reach a beach where you gonna find an ancient lamp which gives you Wishful Thinking. If you keep walking on the mountain path you will find a statue where you have to lit all torches at once (The burning Prophet). Be aware of traps if you keep going north on that mountain path. 

Further north there is a castle where you will get a bit more difficult fight. Kill and loot everything and enter Wrecker's Cave to the west.

Wrecker's Cave

Inside the cave, you will find one survivor you can talk to. If you keep exploring you will get ambushed by Voidwokens that will take you and your party members to the depth of the cave, separated. If you want it easy, right before you get ambushed, you can dig up a secret tunnel leading to the depth of the cave without separating your party.

Dig spot Wrecker's Cave secret tunnel

Secret Tunnel entrance

Note: You can still use a shovel on the spot if you cant discover the dirt mound


Progress through the cave (see Shadow over Driftwood) until you beat Mordus and his henchman. Let him teach source to you so you can progress the Powerful Awakening quest. If you get Mordus' Amulet from his body, you can use it to open a hatch in his room where you will find a gem that will open a secret passage in his house in Driftwood. (A Taste of Freedom)


To be Continued...